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By rationally reprogramming and manipulating these pathways, more efficient artificial pathway can be obtained through biosynthetic strategies which encompasses a variety of different approaches, methodologies, and disciplines with a variety of definitions and has offered alternative pathways to natural products such as artemisinin taxol precursor. In this project, we are planning to analysis the structural features and natural pathways of valienamine, design possible artificial pathway and express some relate biocatalysts. Lab Leader s Name: Prof. Yan Feng, yfeng2009@sjtu.edu.cn, 13524006707 Tutor: Li Cui, cuili@sjtu.edu.cn, 13661824073 Partner graduate students: 20Title: The efficacy of chimeric antigen receptor and PD-1 blockade in adoptive T-cell therapy for triple negative breast cancer Introduction: High curative potential of adoptive cell transfer (ACT) in patients with metastatic melanoma and more recently B-lineage malignancies has stimulated attempts to apply this approach to treat other cancer types. Triple negative breast cancers are largely unresponsive to clinically available targeted therapies, and frequently have the worse prognosis among breast tumor subtypes. Multiple studies had shown antigen mesothelin and c-Met are overexpressed in TNBCs and correlated with disease progress. We postulate here that developing potent T cells with chimeric antigen receptor targeting Mesothelin and c-MET individually would benefit breast cancer, particularly TNBCs treatment. To address the immune escaping to T cells, we will also study whether interfering PD-1s suppression utilizing in vitro and in vivo breast cancer tumor model could prevent T cell exhaustion and benefit Meso or c-MET CAR transduced T cells effector function. Our purpose of this study is to provide new targets in triple negative breast cancer controlling and eradicating, and further to benefit patients bearing TNBCs. Lab Leaders: Prof. Xiaojing Ma , xim2002@sjtu.edu.cn , 13671760904 Tutor: Fang Wei , fangwei@sjtu.edu.cn, 13120668176 Partner graduate students: Yanling Jin,  HYPERLINK "mailto:jinyanling2501@sina.cn" jinyanling2501@sina.cn, 15921362737 30Title:The physiological function of human-derived butyrate-producing bacteria Introduction: Butyrate, a versatile molecular which plays many critical roles in human health. It's the preferred energy source of the intestinal epithelial cells.Along with the anti-inflammatory properties, butyrate has been used as the enema decoction to alleviategut inflammation in ulcerative colitis patients. However, we can not produce butyrate by our human metabolic pathway, all the butyrate we need is providedby the butyrate-producing bacteria (BPBs) living in our gut. Accumulating evidence suggests that the abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria is significantly lower in the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) colorectal cancer, as well as obesity and diabetes patients, than healthy control. All these studies suggested that butyrate-producing bacteria maybe a novel probiotic in the treatment of many kinds of diseases including IBD. In the previous sequencing guided isolation, 29 potential butyrate-producing bacteria were obtained, most of them were close related to Eubacterium spp. Whole genome of 3 distinct representative strains were sequenced. The result implied they had different butyrate-producing pathways. Then, the anti-inflammatory effect of these 3 strains were investigated in the DSS-induced colitis mice model. The preliminary findingsshowed only 1 of 3 strains alleviated the colitis, the other 2 even exacerbated the IBD syndrome. That is, the beneficial effects of BPBs may be strains specific. Now we are planning some moreanalysis to further understand the physiological functionof those butyrate-producing strains, and following experiments will be done:find histological and inflammatory evidences of anti-inflammatory effect, figure out gut microbiota structure changes of mice during DSS feeding and BPBs treatment, verify the the anti-inflammatory effect of the BPBs in the in vitro cell model. Lab Leaders Name: Prof. Liping Zhao lpzhao@sjtu.edu.cn Tutor: Dr. Chenhong Zhang zhangchenhong@sjtu.edu.cn Partner graduate students: Qianpeng Zhang zhangqianpeng9110@126.com ADDIN EN.REFLIST  40Title: Molecular Profiling of Gut Microbiota in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B virus(CHB) infection Introduction: Hepatitis B is a liver infectious illness caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). There is an extremely high burden of liver disease owing to viral hepatitis B that about 2 billion people are infected and there are 350 million chronic carriers of HBV worldwide.Increasing evidences showed that the weakened gut permeability and the alterations in the gut microbiota composition might be associated with the increasing activation of liver Toll-like (TLR) or NOD-like (NLR) receptors, which can drive continuous liver injury by mediating inflammation.Further analysis revealed thatthe intestinal Bifidobacteria/Enterobacteriaceae ratio and the composition of Bifidobacterium varied in CHB patients. These studies havesuggested that involvement of the gut microbiota in HBV infection.However, little efforts had been performed to eluciate the detailed role of gut microbiota in the progress of CHB infection through the high throughput sequencing technology with large population, which allows to investigate the structure of gut microbiome thoroughly. Before thestudy, we had collected 771fecal samplesfrom CHB patients, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients and healthy volunteers. In this project, weintend to figure out the difference of the composition of intestinal microbiota among these samples with different phenotypes throughthe IlluminaMiseq platform.The study includes both wet lab (for sequencing) and dry lab (for data analysis) parts. Molecular technology such as PCR and bioinformatic or statistical tools including QIIME, R,MATLAB will be used. The knowledge of basic operations on linux OS should be necessary, and fundamental coding experience based on Perl or Python would be preferred. Lab Leader s Name: Prof. Liping Zhao lpzhao@sjtu.edu.cn Tutor: Dr. Menghui Zhang mhzhang@sjtu.edu.cn Partner graduate students: Jing Wang  HYPERLINK "mailto:wjingsjtu@gmail.com" wjingsjtu@gmail.com 50Title: Mutagenesis combined with high-throughput screening for breeding ansamitocin-producing strains Introduction: Ansamitocin P-3 (AP-3), a member of microbial maytansinoids with outstanding antitumor activity, is produced by the microorganism Actinosynnema pretiosum. Due to its potent cytotoxicity, AP-3 has been used in antibody-toxin conjugates and is now in clinical applications as therapeutic agent against tumors. Although strategies based on genetic modification and medium optimization were applied to enhance the production of AP-3, the production titer is still low. Without doubt, breeding of high-titer AP-3 producing strain is very important. Induced mutation is a traditional but effective breeding method to increase metabolite production capacity of microorganisms. Atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP) mutagenesis is a recently attractive breeding method, which has been applied to increase the production of succinic acid by Escherichia coli, avermectins by Streptomyces avermitilsi, etc. In this project, we will apply ARTP mutagenesis combined with high-throughput screening system to obtain high-yield mutants of Actinosynnema pretiosum. The performance of selected mutants will be evaluated by fermentation kinetic study, including analyses of gene expression, enzyme activity and intermediate accumlation level. Lab Leader: Prof. Jian-Jiang Zhong (email) HYPERLINK "mailto:jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn"jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn (Tel) +86-21-34206968 Tutor: Prof. Jian-Jiang Zhong (email) HYPERLINK "mailto:jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn"jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn (Tel) +86-21-34206968 Partner graduate student: Mr. Yuan Zhang (email) HYPERLINK "mailto:zymosan@qq.com"zymosan@qq.com (mobile) +86-18801950727 60Title: Heterologous expression of cytochrome P450 (CYPs) genes of Ganoderma lucidum in yeast Introduction (200-300 words): Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most famous Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs and has been widely used as a tonic for longevity and healthcare in East Asia since ancient times. Ganoderic acids (GAs), one of the main active ingredients of G. lucidum, are a type of triterpenoid secondary metabolites with interesting anti-tumor, anti-metastasis and anti-HIV activities. However, the content of GAs is very low and the biotechnological production of GAs is considered as a promising approach. The triterpene backbone of GAs is biosynthesized via the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway. A couple of genes in this pathway have been cloned in G. lucidum, such as those encoding 3-hydroxy- 3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, farnesyl diphosphate synthase, squalene synthase, and lanosterol synthase. The steps following cyclization in the biosynthetic pathway are largely unknown but most likely have a series of oxidation, reduction and acylation reactions. Among them, oxidations catalyzed by enzymes of cytochrome P450 superfamily (CYPs) have a significant role in the modification of the triterpenoid skeleton. Through bioinformatics analysis, 15 CYP512 genes and 1 CYP5144 gene may be involved in the biosynthesis. In order to determine their specific function, the P450 genes will be cloned and their heterologous expression in yeast cells will be conducted. We aim to discover the enzymes which directly catalyze lanosterol to GAs-similar metabolite(s). In vitro enzymatic assay will also be done to help identify the functional proteins. Lab Leader: Prof. Jian-Jiang Zhong (email) jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn (Tel) +86-21-34206968 Tutor: Prof. Jian-Jiang Zhong (email) jjzhong@sjtu.edu.cn (Tel) +86-21-34206968 Partner graduate student: Mr. Hao Qin (email) qinhao_1991@126.com (mobile) +86-15102117615 70Title: The application of optogenetics and deep brain imaging inliving animal models Introduction Amental disorder, also calledpsychiatric disorder, is described as an impaired ability to function in ordinary life. Mental disorders are generally characterized by a combination ofabnormal thoughts, emotions, behavior and relationships. Examples are schizophrenia, depression, mental retardation andso on.Our lab is mainlyfocusedon investigating the molecular roots neurological and psychiatric disorders. With the development of new technology skills, we could achieve many outstanding results for understanding the mechanism. Optogenetics is a new and rapidly evolving gene and neuroengineering technology that allows optical control of specific populations of neurons without affecting other neurons in the brain at high temporal and spatial resolution.Recently we try to detect the deep brain imaging and neural activities in living animal models, it will certainly give us a better understanding of those diseases and make breakthroughs eventually.Fortunately,we successfully implant optogenetic electrode array in the living animals, thanks to which we can detect electrophysiological signals and their deep brain imaging when they are doingbehaviortasks.This project will help us understand the process and have access to the magical world to explore the complex network of the living brains. LabLeader: Professor Weidong Li  HYPERLINK "mailto:liwd@sjtu.edu.cn" liwd@sjtu.edu.cn 18101896190 Tutor: Hechen Bao  HYPERLINK "mailto:franksky@sjtu.edu.cn" franksky@sjtu.edu.cn 13621628816 Forrest Fabian Jesse  HYPERLINK "mailto:jesse@jesse.org" jesse@jesse.org 13811315130 Partner graduate students: 80Title: UVRAG in LPS-induced autophagy and cardiac dysfunction Introduction Macroautophagy (hereafter refer to as autophagy) is a highly conserved pathway degrading long-lived proteins, protein aggregates and damaged organelles. During autophagy, the cytoplasmic components are sequestered by the double membr&dlnpr    ïÉuuuucO=#h h(6KHOJQJ\^JaJ&h h(65KHOJQJ\^JaJ#h hg5B*CJKH\ph'h hJ5B*CJKHPJ\ph'h h85B*CJKHPJ\ph#h hc35B*CJKH\ph'h h_W5B*CJKHPJ\ph'h hp'5B*CJKHPJ\ph'h hg5B*CJKHPJ\ph'h hK5B*CJKHPJ\phpr  .0tuT$a$gd gd $a$gd(6gd(6G$H$gd(6 $1$a$gdK .s}~!ٺuugu[Q[Fh hGCJaJh hGCJ\h hG5CJ\h h 0J5CJ\jh h 5CJU\$h h CJKHOJQJ^JaJh h CJ\h h 5CJ\h hK5CJ\h h(65CJ\h h(6CJ\h h(6CJh h(65CJh h(65CJ$h h(6CJKHOJQJ^JaJ+ !!!!(""N#$$8(++,n, $dDa$gd/kD $dha$gd/kDgd/kDdh88XDdYDdgd/kD $dDa$gdGdhgdG $dha$gdGgdG!!("4"""$#&#J#L#N#P#R#b#$$p&~&&&++,, --4-6-:-<->-˿ynyeyh hV_CJh h f0JCJh h fCJjh h fCJU h h/kDh h/kD6CJh h/kDCJh h/kDCJ\h h/kD5CJ\h hV_5CJ\h h/kDCJKHPJ h hGjh hGCJUh hGCJh hG5CJn,8-...222h3p33344555; 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@91$gduum#$ 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@91$a$gduumgduum d,]XDgd fd,gd f $dDa$gd/kD>-L---...../^1n1111242522233һҤuhZhNCu8jh h fUh h fCJKHh h f6CJKHh h f6CJKHPJh h fCJKHPJ0h h f6B*CJ]fHphq *h h fB*CJfHphq -h h fB*CJ]fHphq -h h fB*CJ]fHphq *h h fB*CJfHphq -h h f5B*CJfHphq 3;3<3O3P3h3o333333333.404r4t444444444T5v55555~sgs^Sh huumCJKHh huumCJh huum6CJKHh huumCJKHh huumCJh huum5CJKHh hV_CJKHh huumCJKH-h h f5B*CJfHphq *h h fB*CJfHphq .h h f0JB*CJfHphq jh h fU h h f 55566]8h888;;v<<=R====>>>>>>>@@EEEEEEEFFHFpFɸ{{n{__njh h"CJKHUh h"0JCJKH&jh h"B*CJKHUphh h"CJKHh h"B*KHaJphh h"B*CJKHph h h"5B*CJKHphh h"CJKHh huum5CJKHh huumCJh huum6CJKHh huumCJKH%;;v<===>>>>DrY$d-D1$M `a$gd"&$ 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9dY1$a$gd"$d-D1$M a$gd"gduum'$ 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@91$XD2a$gduum#$ 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@91$a$gduum DDDDEFDGGGG HH,H.H@dAdg $7$8$H$a$gd gd $-D1$M a$gd"$d-D1$M ^`a$gd"$d-D1$M `a$gd"$d-D1$M a$gd"pFrFFFGG&G(G*GGGGGGGG H H᳤nXF2'h h CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ#h h CJOJQJ\^JaJ*h h 5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ&h h 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h h CJOJPJQJ^J h h CJOJPJQJ^Jh h CJOJQJ^Jh h"B*KHaJph h h"h h"0JCJKHh h"CJKHh h"B*CJKHphjh h"CJKHU HH&H(HJdjj(j*jjjk k"k&k*k6kkkkkkƵ~kZkIkZ!hm5B*CJKHaJo(ph!hmhmB*CJKHaJph$hmhm5B*CJKHaJph'hmhm5B*CJKHaJo(phhmB*CJKHaJph%h h B*CJKHQJaJphU!h h B*CJKHaJph$hy?5B*CJKH\aJo(ph'h h 5B*CJKH\aJph$h h CJOJPJQJ^JaJane autophagosomes, which fuse with lysosomes for degradation. Autophagy occurs in most, if not all, of the organs including the heart. Under normal conditions, autophagy is essential for the maintenance of cardiac structure and function. Cardiac autophagy can be activated under certain pathological conditions such as pressure overload and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that too much or too little autophagy can be harmful to the heart. Autophagy has recently been shown to be activated in the heart during sepsis, a serious medical condition that is one of the leading causes of death in hospitalized patients. However, the significance of activated autophagy in sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction is still controversial. Some studies suggest that increased autophagy protects the hearts from sepsis induced damage, while others report that enhanced autophagy may be detrimental in sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction. Previously, we characterized a UVRAG-deficient mouse model. These mice have reduced autophagic flux in the heart at baseline. In this study, using this mouse model, we sought to determine if UVRAG deficiency reduces LPS-induced autophagy in the heart and aggregates/ameliorates LPS-induced cardiac injury. The research includes: (1) examine UVRAG deficiency on LPS-induced cardiac dysfunction; (2) determine the effect of UVRAG deficiency on LPS-induced autophagy and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression. Lab Leader: Hongxin Zhu hxzhu@sjtu.edu.cn 13162734831 Tutor: Hongxin Zhu hxzhu@sjtu.edu.cn 13162734831 Partner graduate students: Zhenguo Zi 18818212205 90Title: Regain of ancestral genes in vertebrates Introduction The results from last summer program in our lab showed that the human genome contains a few genes that are more similar to their counterpart in fish or amphibian genomes than to those in the mammal or primate genomes. We called this phenomenon "regain of ancestral genes". With hundreds of genomes available now, we can investigate the prevalence of this phenomenon in vertebrate genomes. In this project, we are going to find the human genes that have been regained during the evolution. The number of this type of genes and their functions will be investigated. We will extend this study to other vertebrate genomes if possible. Lab Leader: Chaochun Wei , email: ccwei@sjtu.edu.cn , mobile: 18916068541 Tutor: Chaochun Wei 10Title: Genetic and phenotypic analysis of rice male sterile mutant osms15 Introduction: Heterosis plays an important role in improving the production of staple crop rice. Male sterile linesare one of components of two-line and three-line hybrid rice. Identification and characterization of key genes involved in rice stamen development will provide new sources for producing novel rice male sterile lines. To isolate male fertility related genes, our lab constructed a rice mutant library and screened for male sterile lines. Up-to-date, we have isolated more than 130 male sterile lines. We will select one male sterile line for the student who participates in this project. The partner graduate student will help him/her to learn how to isolate the mutated gene by map-based cloning strategy and characterize the phenotypic changes employing histological and cell biological methods, including semi-thin section, SEM and TEM, etc. The student who participates in this project can learn basic theories and technologies of plant anatomy, plant genetics and plant molecular biology. gghhiiiDjj$kkkkknnn@oBolopppsssxgdAa $7$8$H$a$gdm $7$8$H$a$gd kkllglhlllllHmImmmmmVnXnnn>o@ojonotoooppssxRx^xbxxxx yy4y6y:y^yywhhAa0JCJ hhAajhhAaUUhhAaCJmH sH hhAa6CJhhAaCJhhAa5CJ!hhAaB*CJKHaJphhAaB*CJKHaJph!hmhmB*CJKHaJphhmB*CJKHaJo(ph,Lab Leader: Dabing Zhang zhangdb@sjtu.edu.cn 00-86-13816445552 Tutor: Wanqi Liang HYPERLINK "mailto:wqliang@sjtu.edu.cn"wqliang@sjtu.edu.cn 00-86-13402068839 Partner graduate students: Junping Yu  HYPERLINK "mailto:yujunping521@sina.cox^yNPRVX\^bdhjlngdg] $7$8$H$a$gdmgdAayyz24NPRTXZ^`dfln˺hujhuU!hmhmB*CJKHaJph!hhAmB*CJKHaJphhhAa0JCJUhhAaCJjhhAaCJUm" yujunping521@sina.com 18801969675     6182P:pz. 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